Sunday, August 8, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
I chose the book of Job for my Bible surfing.
As stated before, my friend said it was a really good read.
We were on the bus, so I picked up my conformation Bible.
I tried to read it, but was like blah.
I'm glad I'm reading it now.
I actually didn't choose this because my friend suggested it.
One of the devotionals said choose a topic that you need help with.
Or that interests you.
Anyway. I read what I needed to read tonight.
Job 11:13-20
"Yet if you devote your heart to Him
and stretch out your hands to Him,
if you put away the sin that is in your hand
and allow no evil to dwell in your tent,
then you will lift up your face without shame;
you will stand firm and without fear.
You will surely forget your trouble,
recalling it only as waters gone by.
Life will be brighter than noonday,
and darkness will become like morning.
You will be secure, because there is hope;
you will look about you and take your rest in safety.
You will lie down, with no one to make you afraid,
and many will court your favor.
But the eyes of the wicked will fail,
and escape will elude them;
their hope will become a dying gasp."
Such a peace that this brings.
It's really a beautiful part of the Bible.
Yes, I know, that there are more.
This is as close to perfect.
Actually. It is perfect.
This makes me feel a lot better about things.
As stated before, my friend said it was a really good read.
We were on the bus, so I picked up my conformation Bible.
I tried to read it, but was like blah.
I'm glad I'm reading it now.
I actually didn't choose this because my friend suggested it.
One of the devotionals said choose a topic that you need help with.
Or that interests you.
Anyway. I read what I needed to read tonight.
Job 11:13-20
"Yet if you devote your heart to Him
and stretch out your hands to Him,
if you put away the sin that is in your hand
and allow no evil to dwell in your tent,
then you will lift up your face without shame;
you will stand firm and without fear.
You will surely forget your trouble,
recalling it only as waters gone by.
Life will be brighter than noonday,
and darkness will become like morning.
You will be secure, because there is hope;
you will look about you and take your rest in safety.
You will lie down, with no one to make you afraid,
and many will court your favor.
But the eyes of the wicked will fail,
and escape will elude them;
their hope will become a dying gasp."
Such a peace that this brings.
It's really a beautiful part of the Bible.
Yes, I know, that there are more.
This is as close to perfect.
Actually. It is perfect.
This makes me feel a lot better about things.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Day Nineteen - Attitude Adjustment
I typed the words 'Attitude Adjustment' and I thought of one person.
Not me. Someone who needs it real bad.
Blah to names.
If any of you know me really well, I hope you can notice something.
I like to look at the good.
I focus on the bad a lot, yes, but I always see the good.
Or I try.
I always think of that one Relient K song.
The Lining is Silver.
Another good song to buy or look up.
'Isn't it nice to know that the lining is silver? Isn't it nice to know that we're golden?'
I find it nice to know.
Lookadoo starts by telling about his friend who was in two unthinkable tragedies.
I read them.
Yeah, ouch.
They were harsh.
Both accidents, one including a motorcycle the other including a plane crash.
Lookadoo continues to mention about how this man is one of the most positive people he has ever met.
"Your attitude is determined by your focus. In any situation you can focus on the good or the bad. If you want to change your attitude, you have to change your focus." - Lookadoo page 91
"It's not what happens to you but what you do about it." - W. Mitchell
Bad day.
No, not that cheesy song.
Bad day, bad month, bad year, bad life.
Read Job 42:1-6
It talks all about how Job praises God.
Wasn't it just stated he had a really bad life?
Even through that, he understood God was in control.
"His attitude was bad because he was focusing on his bad situation and not on God." - Lookadoo page 92
True true.
I know I don't do that enough.
I try to focus the good, yes.
But I forget that the good comes from God.
So if I cut out the middle word, good, I can go straight to God.
I'll get the same results.
My one friend mentioned distractions.
I was completely for it. I totally agreed.
I love distractions for when it comes to bad things.
Anything to keep that dreaded topic off my mind.
I'm up for it.
This made me think a little different.
I know I just said that I focus on the good.
I realized that's just for short term problems.
Kind of.
Like, fights, bitterness, change.
I never really believed it for other things.
Bobby, youth group issues, and even addictions.
I tried for addictions. But I know that monster.
Romans 8:28
'And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to chose who are called according to His purpose.'
I think. I really think that this is my favorite LIFE LINK!
I hear people say all the time 'It'll be okay in the end.'
Or 'He has a plan.'
Okay, phrases. I never knew the bible verse.
Practice time?
Lookadoo gave two situations and I had to find the good.
The first one, was easy, it was a tough situation, but easy to find the good.
He told me what he saw.
The second one, I was stuck.
Of course that's the one he doesn't tell you what he thinks.
I found a couple, I think?
I'm not too sure.
Talk to me and I'll tell you the story.
To shorten, the first one had a pencil through her chest.
The second one was a grandmother sent to jail for killing someone brutally in the middle of the street until 'he lost virtually all the blood in his body'.
Lookadoo talks about working to find a good focus.
That's hard.
Especially when fighting.
I know with me, I'm just drained.
I'll give it shot.
This book hasn't failed me yet.
Here I go.
"Dig until you find something good to focus on. Change your focus. Change your attitude."
Not me. Someone who needs it real bad.
Blah to names.
If any of you know me really well, I hope you can notice something.
I like to look at the good.
I focus on the bad a lot, yes, but I always see the good.
Or I try.
I always think of that one Relient K song.
The Lining is Silver.
Another good song to buy or look up.
'Isn't it nice to know that the lining is silver? Isn't it nice to know that we're golden?'
I find it nice to know.
Lookadoo starts by telling about his friend who was in two unthinkable tragedies.
I read them.
Yeah, ouch.
They were harsh.
Both accidents, one including a motorcycle the other including a plane crash.
Lookadoo continues to mention about how this man is one of the most positive people he has ever met.
"Your attitude is determined by your focus. In any situation you can focus on the good or the bad. If you want to change your attitude, you have to change your focus." - Lookadoo page 91
"It's not what happens to you but what you do about it." - W. Mitchell
Bad day.
No, not that cheesy song.
Bad day, bad month, bad year, bad life.
Read Job 42:1-6
It talks all about how Job praises God.
Wasn't it just stated he had a really bad life?
Even through that, he understood God was in control.
"His attitude was bad because he was focusing on his bad situation and not on God." - Lookadoo page 92
True true.
I know I don't do that enough.
I try to focus the good, yes.
But I forget that the good comes from God.
So if I cut out the middle word, good, I can go straight to God.
I'll get the same results.
My one friend mentioned distractions.
I was completely for it. I totally agreed.
I love distractions for when it comes to bad things.
Anything to keep that dreaded topic off my mind.
I'm up for it.
This made me think a little different.
I know I just said that I focus on the good.
I realized that's just for short term problems.
Kind of.
Like, fights, bitterness, change.
I never really believed it for other things.
Bobby, youth group issues, and even addictions.
I tried for addictions. But I know that monster.
Romans 8:28
'And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to chose who are called according to His purpose.'
I think. I really think that this is my favorite LIFE LINK!
I hear people say all the time 'It'll be okay in the end.'
Or 'He has a plan.'
Okay, phrases. I never knew the bible verse.
Practice time?
Lookadoo gave two situations and I had to find the good.
The first one, was easy, it was a tough situation, but easy to find the good.
He told me what he saw.
The second one, I was stuck.
Of course that's the one he doesn't tell you what he thinks.
I found a couple, I think?
I'm not too sure.
Talk to me and I'll tell you the story.
To shorten, the first one had a pencil through her chest.
The second one was a grandmother sent to jail for killing someone brutally in the middle of the street until 'he lost virtually all the blood in his body'.
Lookadoo talks about working to find a good focus.
That's hard.
Especially when fighting.
I know with me, I'm just drained.
I'll give it shot.
This book hasn't failed me yet.
Here I go.
"Dig until you find something good to focus on. Change your focus. Change your attitude."
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Day Eighteen - Character Quiz
Ohh, character.
The story in the beginning of this lesson, was super long but super cute.
It was adorable in every way, yet really sad.
It also was a real reality check, and how people aren't that honorable.
Pretty much, Lookadoo was eating at this place.
There was a little beggar boy, and he went up to a table.
The kids table, attached to the adult table, was empty.
He asked the adults for the one slice of pizza, they said sure.
Ran around the corner. Dropped it off to his family.
Came back, did the same with the soda.
Apparently he did this a couple more times.
He comes back, and the adults are gone.
All the food is just sitting there, no one watching.
So, the little boy looks around. Stares at the food.
Then goes back to the corner with his family.
Uhhh. I would've taken the food. I mean, no one was there to claim it.
It'd be in the trash anyway, right?
Lookadoo thought the same, so asked one of the waiters.
He replied with: "Sir, that boy is an honorable man. He is a beggar, he is not a thief."
The story of Daniel with the lions. :]
Daniel 6:1-28
I've heard this before, in Veggietales.
It was really hard not to sing the 'Oh No - Whatcha Gonna Do?' song.
Even harder to picture a person praying by the window, not a cucumber.
I pushed past that all, almost.
The point of the two stories is to emphasize character.
It would've been easy for Daniel not to pray to anyone.
It would've been easy for the boy to take the food.
They could've done it and not gotten in trouble.
They both stuck to their morals.
"The little compromises that we think are 'no big deal' are HUGE deals. They are telling us to compromise our character." - Lookadoo page 87
Daniel 6:16
'But the king spoke, saying to Daniel, "Your God, whom you serve continually, He will deliver you."'
There was a character quiz!
I love those kind of things, for real.
The three results were either: Core Character, Comfortable Character or Cancelled Character.
My result was Comfortable Character. I agreed with it.
It was something like. You get what character is, and how important it is, and you know right from wrong. You just don't want to be right if it puts you in the middle of attention. It's easier to compromise than deal with consequences.
So true for me. I'm learning to stick up for things more and more, and sometimes it gets me in trouble. I'm learning to be okay with that. I think. I feel like I'm going to be tested on this soon, so we will have to see. If I do, I really hope I pass. I hate failing.
Don't compromise. Even if it's not wrong, it's not right. Don't ask 'is it right?' or 'is it wrong?' Ask, 'is it Holy?' I know that wasn't in this lesson, but it was in another, and I think it completely fits. That if you try to live your life by making choices that are Holy, your character will definitely improve.
I want more of those bracelets.
'God has not called me to be successful. He has called me to be faithful.' - Mother Teresa.
ADORE that quote. Adore.
"Live with power, rage on and STEP OFF." - Lookadoo page 90
The story in the beginning of this lesson, was super long but super cute.
It was adorable in every way, yet really sad.
It also was a real reality check, and how people aren't that honorable.
Pretty much, Lookadoo was eating at this place.
There was a little beggar boy, and he went up to a table.
The kids table, attached to the adult table, was empty.
He asked the adults for the one slice of pizza, they said sure.
Ran around the corner. Dropped it off to his family.
Came back, did the same with the soda.
Apparently he did this a couple more times.
He comes back, and the adults are gone.
All the food is just sitting there, no one watching.
So, the little boy looks around. Stares at the food.
Then goes back to the corner with his family.
Uhhh. I would've taken the food. I mean, no one was there to claim it.
It'd be in the trash anyway, right?
Lookadoo thought the same, so asked one of the waiters.
He replied with: "Sir, that boy is an honorable man. He is a beggar, he is not a thief."
The story of Daniel with the lions. :]
Daniel 6:1-28
I've heard this before, in Veggietales.
It was really hard not to sing the 'Oh No - Whatcha Gonna Do?' song.
Even harder to picture a person praying by the window, not a cucumber.
I pushed past that all, almost.
The point of the two stories is to emphasize character.
It would've been easy for Daniel not to pray to anyone.
It would've been easy for the boy to take the food.
They could've done it and not gotten in trouble.
They both stuck to their morals.
"The little compromises that we think are 'no big deal' are HUGE deals. They are telling us to compromise our character." - Lookadoo page 87
Daniel 6:16
'But the king spoke, saying to Daniel, "Your God, whom you serve continually, He will deliver you."'
There was a character quiz!
I love those kind of things, for real.
The three results were either: Core Character, Comfortable Character or Cancelled Character.
My result was Comfortable Character. I agreed with it.
It was something like. You get what character is, and how important it is, and you know right from wrong. You just don't want to be right if it puts you in the middle of attention. It's easier to compromise than deal with consequences.
So true for me. I'm learning to stick up for things more and more, and sometimes it gets me in trouble. I'm learning to be okay with that. I think. I feel like I'm going to be tested on this soon, so we will have to see. If I do, I really hope I pass. I hate failing.
Don't compromise. Even if it's not wrong, it's not right. Don't ask 'is it right?' or 'is it wrong?' Ask, 'is it Holy?' I know that wasn't in this lesson, but it was in another, and I think it completely fits. That if you try to live your life by making choices that are Holy, your character will definitely improve.
I want more of those bracelets.
'God has not called me to be successful. He has called me to be faithful.' - Mother Teresa.
ADORE that quote. Adore.
"Live with power, rage on and STEP OFF." - Lookadoo page 90
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Day Seventeen - Sex Symbol
Oh hay, there is that word again.
Another symbol.
Lookadoo talks about a radio talk show person named Dr. Joy Browne. One, I want to listen to it. Two, I REALLY want that last name. Just sayin'.
She used to do a questionnaire thing in San Francisco, that you could answer only yes or no, or pro or con.
The question was "If you know then what you know now, would you have waited longer to have sex?"
"Fully 93 percent of both men and women resoundingly responded yes, they would wait... A sobering thought, yes." - Lookadoo page 81
Ephesians 5:3
'But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of green, because these are improper for God's holy people.'
Usually, when Justin puts a LIFE LINK! in his book twice. It's serious business.
Another symbol? Blah, I love them, I just feel guilty as heck as not finding my other one. I guess I should really get on that, eh? I really needed it during the mission trip. With all this fighting out of that, I need it even more. So, a symbol for my commitment to try to be as pure as I can be. Ehh. I don't really like the sound of that. I committed to this book, well, God's works behind it.
Now. What to use...
I like Lookadoo's cross ring, I just need to find something like that.
Maybe? I'm not too sure.
He made a good point.
To make the commitment with God, not your boyfriend or girlfriend.
I understand why. Just a good point to refresh in your little noggin.
I'll get back to this blog when I found a good symbol.
"Commit. Make it real. Live the extreme Word of God." - Lookadoo page 85
Another symbol.
Lookadoo talks about a radio talk show person named Dr. Joy Browne. One, I want to listen to it. Two, I REALLY want that last name. Just sayin'.
She used to do a questionnaire thing in San Francisco, that you could answer only yes or no, or pro or con.
The question was "If you know then what you know now, would you have waited longer to have sex?"
"Fully 93 percent of both men and women resoundingly responded yes, they would wait... A sobering thought, yes." - Lookadoo page 81
Ephesians 5:3
'But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of green, because these are improper for God's holy people.'
Usually, when Justin puts a LIFE LINK! in his book twice. It's serious business.
Another symbol? Blah, I love them, I just feel guilty as heck as not finding my other one. I guess I should really get on that, eh? I really needed it during the mission trip. With all this fighting out of that, I need it even more. So, a symbol for my commitment to try to be as pure as I can be. Ehh. I don't really like the sound of that. I committed to this book, well, God's works behind it.
Now. What to use...
I like Lookadoo's cross ring, I just need to find something like that.
Maybe? I'm not too sure.
He made a good point.
To make the commitment with God, not your boyfriend or girlfriend.
I understand why. Just a good point to refresh in your little noggin.
I'll get back to this blog when I found a good symbol.
"Commit. Make it real. Live the extreme Word of God." - Lookadoo page 85
Our faith is small but it is strong.
Enough to carry on.
Though we are poor, we shall not want.
Rebels we become, in tracks where young lions run.
Red beneath the raging sun, like wildfires we burn.
Heroes we become, where saints and sinners are one.
Red beneath the raging sun, like songs of earth we yearn, we yearn.
Like kings and men, we learn, we learn.
Like wildfires we burn relentlessly.
Enough to carry on.
Though we are poor, we shall not want.
Rebels we become, in tracks where young lions run.
Red beneath the raging sun, like wildfires we burn.
Heroes we become, where saints and sinners are one.
Red beneath the raging sun, like songs of earth we yearn, we yearn.
Like kings and men, we learn, we learn.
Like wildfires we burn relentlessly.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Day Sixteen - Food for Sex or Sex-Free?
Sex. Sex. Sex.
That freaks a lot of people out.
I don't understand fully.
Tons of people do it.
Don't get me wrong, I completely think that it is for after marriage.
People just need to open their eyes a little bit.
Let's go out to eat. Cool, thanks. You can pay.
How about our favorite place. Awesome.
Perfect everything? Sounds like a deal.
Best thing off the menu. Ordered!
Can we have the bill? We didn't eat yet.
Now lets leave. Wait, what?
Yes, leave.
How many of us could actually do that?
Pretending EDs don't exists and that everybody loves food.
I wouldn't. I didn't pay just to have the perfect meal in front of me, in the perfect moment.
Song Of Songs 2:7 and 3:5 and 8:4
All three verses, ready. Go.
So, I was asked what that meant.
I don't know what this talk about gazelle is, or the field. I honestly didn't even get the second part until Lookadoo said '"Don't tease me!" Don't take me to my favorite restaurant, set food in front of me, and then not let me eat it.'
It's coming together now for me. At least a little bit. Well, it is. Just. The connection. I'm not really sure.
This same scenario applies to sex. Or anything of that sort.
Why get the perfect scenery, the smells, the touch, but no. You can't have it.
Now, I know I said that I wouldn't just leave that plate sitting there.
Could I really leave the sex, and the touchy feely at where I was and leave?
Most likely, yes to the sex. I know to wait. If I did walk away, it'd be hard.
No, I'm not some person who does this all the time, with anyone. Boyfriend.
Ephesians 5:3
'But among you there must not be even a sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people.'
Commit. More of that word. Sigh. Actually, I'm not bothered by committing now. It's just, I seem to be seeing this word a lot lately.
Anyway, commit to try and not get yourselves in those situations, and if you do, to get out. I committed. I know it's really hard to walk away, but I feel like I can do it. I'm sure you can too. Commit to living this full on.
"Take control of your life and start living all the Bible, not just the easy parts." - Lookadoo page 80
That freaks a lot of people out.
I don't understand fully.
Tons of people do it.
Don't get me wrong, I completely think that it is for after marriage.
People just need to open their eyes a little bit.
Let's go out to eat. Cool, thanks. You can pay.
How about our favorite place. Awesome.
Perfect everything? Sounds like a deal.
Best thing off the menu. Ordered!
Can we have the bill? We didn't eat yet.
Now lets leave. Wait, what?
Yes, leave.
How many of us could actually do that?
Pretending EDs don't exists and that everybody loves food.
I wouldn't. I didn't pay just to have the perfect meal in front of me, in the perfect moment.
Song Of Songs 2:7 and 3:5 and 8:4
All three verses, ready. Go.
So, I was asked what that meant.
I don't know what this talk about gazelle is, or the field. I honestly didn't even get the second part until Lookadoo said '"Don't tease me!" Don't take me to my favorite restaurant, set food in front of me, and then not let me eat it.'
It's coming together now for me. At least a little bit. Well, it is. Just. The connection. I'm not really sure.
This same scenario applies to sex. Or anything of that sort.
Why get the perfect scenery, the smells, the touch, but no. You can't have it.
Now, I know I said that I wouldn't just leave that plate sitting there.
Could I really leave the sex, and the touchy feely at where I was and leave?
Most likely, yes to the sex. I know to wait. If I did walk away, it'd be hard.
No, I'm not some person who does this all the time, with anyone. Boyfriend.
Ephesians 5:3
'But among you there must not be even a sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people.'
Commit. More of that word. Sigh. Actually, I'm not bothered by committing now. It's just, I seem to be seeing this word a lot lately.
Anyway, commit to try and not get yourselves in those situations, and if you do, to get out. I committed. I know it's really hard to walk away, but I feel like I can do it. I'm sure you can too. Commit to living this full on.
"Take control of your life and start living all the Bible, not just the easy parts." - Lookadoo page 80
Sunday, July 25, 2010
I'm off to Maine for a mission trip.
I'll be back at the end of the week.
My posts will be added once I return.
See ya!
I'll be back at the end of the week.
My posts will be added once I return.
See ya!
Friday, July 23, 2010
I need an operation
Renew the pride, extract the hate
Bring the color back into my cheeks
Cuz my flesh is wrong
And my spirits weak
Renew the pride, extract the hate
Bring the color back into my cheeks
Cuz my flesh is wrong
And my spirits weak
Day Ten - 1/2 Day Get Away
Oh man.
I'm one third done this devotional.
That's really upsetting.
Yeah, I still have two thirds.
I just. Love this book too much.
I can't believe it's been two weeks though!
Four more to go, merh.
"High school football. Nothing like it. The smell of October in the air. The lights, the sounds, the frenzy." - Lookadoo page 46
Good ol' marching band right there. He's right, it's a frenzy. There's always things going on, everywhere you look. Cheerleaders, football players, the band, the annoying tweens, the groups with their snacks, the little kids watching their older siblings, and the press box. The press box? All the way at the top. Seeing everything? Mr.Hess' home for the games. Yep. Lookadoo calls it the birds nest.
Lookadoo did Mr.Hess' job when he went to the game. The coach runs in and mumbles something of I need a fresh perspective. Too much chaos. Lookadoo says that he just needed to get away from it all, and look at it all differently. Not in the midst of all the high school shenanigans.
Luke 5:12-15
'While Jesus was in one of the towns, a man came along who was covered with leprosy. When he saw Jesus, he fell with his face to the ground and begged him, "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean." Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" And immediately the leprosy left him. Then Jesus ordered him, "Don't tell anyone, but go, show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing, as a testimony to the." Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowed of people came to hear him and to be headed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.'
Do you understand the connection? It took me a second, but the crazy. All of that football stuff, is everything that Jesus was in the middle of by the end of that passage. The lights, the sound, the frenzy.
Okay, just a note. Every time I type frenzy, I think of Five Iron.
Getting back. Jesus was often alone and prayed. In the bird's nest.
My turn. Your turn. To get away from it all and just be with God. I'm supposed to take a 1/2 day to get away from it all. I like doing that, it's never really for 1/2 a day though. It's usually like an hour on a mission trip, or something like that. It's enough for me, but I think I'm going to push myself to do some more. This suggests once a month. I committed, I'm going to try it.
If Jesus did it, and he was pretty much a celeb. Then I can, we can, do it.
Mark 1:35
'Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.'
"Dude, if you're too busy to pray and spend time with God, you're just too busy."
I'm one third done this devotional.
That's really upsetting.
Yeah, I still have two thirds.
I just. Love this book too much.
I can't believe it's been two weeks though!
Four more to go, merh.
"High school football. Nothing like it. The smell of October in the air. The lights, the sounds, the frenzy." - Lookadoo page 46
Good ol' marching band right there. He's right, it's a frenzy. There's always things going on, everywhere you look. Cheerleaders, football players, the band, the annoying tweens, the groups with their snacks, the little kids watching their older siblings, and the press box. The press box? All the way at the top. Seeing everything? Mr.Hess' home for the games. Yep. Lookadoo calls it the birds nest.
Lookadoo did Mr.Hess' job when he went to the game. The coach runs in and mumbles something of I need a fresh perspective. Too much chaos. Lookadoo says that he just needed to get away from it all, and look at it all differently. Not in the midst of all the high school shenanigans.
Luke 5:12-15
'While Jesus was in one of the towns, a man came along who was covered with leprosy. When he saw Jesus, he fell with his face to the ground and begged him, "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean." Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" And immediately the leprosy left him. Then Jesus ordered him, "Don't tell anyone, but go, show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing, as a testimony to the." Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowed of people came to hear him and to be headed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.'
Do you understand the connection? It took me a second, but the crazy. All of that football stuff, is everything that Jesus was in the middle of by the end of that passage. The lights, the sound, the frenzy.
Okay, just a note. Every time I type frenzy, I think of Five Iron.
Getting back. Jesus was often alone and prayed. In the bird's nest.
My turn. Your turn. To get away from it all and just be with God. I'm supposed to take a 1/2 day to get away from it all. I like doing that, it's never really for 1/2 a day though. It's usually like an hour on a mission trip, or something like that. It's enough for me, but I think I'm going to push myself to do some more. This suggests once a month. I committed, I'm going to try it.
If Jesus did it, and he was pretty much a celeb. Then I can, we can, do it.
Mark 1:35
'Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.'
"Dude, if you're too busy to pray and spend time with God, you're just too busy."
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Day Nine - Bible Surfing
Here's a treat.
Scoob is sleeping over and I got to do a bible study with her!
It was actually really cool having someone else to talk to about this all.
Bible study. Scary words. To some. It sounds really intense.
Lookadoo agrees, he said more like it's really boring.
We are calling it Bible surfing.
Yeah, I like the sound of that.
"The Bible is an adventure. In it you will find sex, violence, hate, greed, love, power, forgiveness, compassion, winning the game against all odds, fighting 'till you can't fight any more, even saving a little boy from a government death warrant. It's all there." - Lookadoo page 41
So true. Love it. Wow, a lot of loving. Haha.
I guess that's just the way this bible surfing works.
Lookadoo mentions a common theme of "become Christ-like." Right.
Hebrews 5:11-6:3
It's pretty blunt. Babies, start with milk. You get older you switch it to real food. The same is with reading the bible. You start as a baby, and you can ask for help, from bible instructors all of that. True. He also mentions you need to do it on your own and stop being a baby.
"No matter how you surf, always start in prayer asking God to show you His truth in His Word." - Lookadoo page 42
Bible surfing.
Find a topic.
Love, friends, sex, forgiveness, hope, whatever floats your boat.
I chose bitterness.
Pick a book to review.
We used a online bible concordance.
I found the most bible passages about bitterness in Job.
I'm going to be Bible surfing Job.
People watching.
Learn the stories of the people in it.
Different perspectives, different stories, get to know it.
Head games.
I'm stoked.
This is such a simple lesson.
I don't mind. I love it more than ever.
Scoob is sleeping over and I got to do a bible study with her!
It was actually really cool having someone else to talk to about this all.
Bible study. Scary words. To some. It sounds really intense.
Lookadoo agrees, he said more like it's really boring.
We are calling it Bible surfing.
Yeah, I like the sound of that.
"The Bible is an adventure. In it you will find sex, violence, hate, greed, love, power, forgiveness, compassion, winning the game against all odds, fighting 'till you can't fight any more, even saving a little boy from a government death warrant. It's all there." - Lookadoo page 41
So true. Love it. Wow, a lot of loving. Haha.
I guess that's just the way this bible surfing works.
Lookadoo mentions a common theme of "become Christ-like." Right.
Hebrews 5:11-6:3
It's pretty blunt. Babies, start with milk. You get older you switch it to real food. The same is with reading the bible. You start as a baby, and you can ask for help, from bible instructors all of that. True. He also mentions you need to do it on your own and stop being a baby.
"No matter how you surf, always start in prayer asking God to show you His truth in His Word." - Lookadoo page 42
Bible surfing.
Find a topic.
Love, friends, sex, forgiveness, hope, whatever floats your boat.
I chose bitterness.
Pick a book to review.
We used a online bible concordance.
I found the most bible passages about bitterness in Job.
I'm going to be Bible surfing Job.
People watching.
Learn the stories of the people in it.
Different perspectives, different stories, get to know it.
Head games.
I'm stoked.
This is such a simple lesson.
I don't mind. I love it more than ever.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Day Eight - Prayer
I accidentally called yesterdays lesson prayer, when it wasn't.
This makes a lot more sense.
I was almost disappointed at first, there wasn't a passage to read.
There wasn't even a life link.
I even have a little life link section on my wall in my room.
Right by the door, so I see it every time I walk out.
Another new addition I plan on keeping.
A main point addressed in todays lesson is that communication is important. I think it is, I really do. I believe that you should always get the words across even if you don't want to say them. If they're harsh, mean, a whole bunch of adjectives, they need to be said. Without words, you are literally nowhere.
It was asked, why is it hard to pray?
It was always hard for me, and still is because I struggle with two sides of me.
There is the side that says 'Hey, God, yeah, I need some help.'
And then the side that says 'No. Don't worry about you, worry about the world.'
I pray for me last, if I even pray for me at all.
That's one reason I wrote down why it's hard.
It's pretty much the only reason when I think about it.
Next question. How is that Satan keeps you from praying?
I never actually looked at it this way, but I'm going to agree with Justin.
One thing he said was being too busy.
Okay, even if I'm busy, I try to say a prayer.
I usually do at night.
When I'm really busy though, and just crash.
After talking on my phone.
I don't pray.
Hey there, Satan. I see your plan is working.
I'm really really glad my eyes are opened to this now.
Next. How do I pray?
I guess. I ramble.
Someone told me that even know God knows what happened throughout your day, He wants you to tell Him.
I talk about somethings, ask for forgiveness, to help this person and that person.
The last retreat I was on, Gretna Glen, right before Christmas.
The leaders instructed people in the youth group to teach a new way to pray.
Justin mentioned one of them, and that was A.C.T.S
A - Adoration
C - Confession
T - Thanksgiving
S - Supplication
I think I did that one, for about. A week. Obviously it didn't stick.
He showed I new one, and I like it. It's simple.
It is originally P.A.R.T.
P - Praise
A - Admit
R - Request
T - Thanks
Lookadoo, being himself added a 'S' to the end. P.A.R.T.S. I love it.
P - Praise
A - Admit
R - Request
T - Thanks
S - Shut up
I like it. I realized, when I pray.
I pray until I'm out.
Sleeping, dreaming, all of that.
When I shouldn't.
I say I listen to God, or am trying to hear it.
But I try in the rush of the day.
With the chattering people, and the rushing activities.
Another eye opener.
P - Praise - Psalm 147:1
A - Admit - 1 John 1:9
R - Request - James 4:2b
T - Thanks - Psalm 136:1
S - Shut up - Psalm 46:10a
A prayer journal was highly recommended.
I think when I go shopping tomorrow for my mission trip stuff,
I'm going to pick one up.
I really. Really. Really. Want to do this.
"Most people don't hear anything from God because they don't stop talking. This is what really makes praying a conversation and not just a monologue to God." - Lookadoo page 39
I accidentally called yesterdays lesson prayer, when it wasn't.
This makes a lot more sense.
I was almost disappointed at first, there wasn't a passage to read.
There wasn't even a life link.
I even have a little life link section on my wall in my room.
Right by the door, so I see it every time I walk out.
Another new addition I plan on keeping.
A main point addressed in todays lesson is that communication is important. I think it is, I really do. I believe that you should always get the words across even if you don't want to say them. If they're harsh, mean, a whole bunch of adjectives, they need to be said. Without words, you are literally nowhere.
It was asked, why is it hard to pray?
It was always hard for me, and still is because I struggle with two sides of me.
There is the side that says 'Hey, God, yeah, I need some help.'
And then the side that says 'No. Don't worry about you, worry about the world.'
I pray for me last, if I even pray for me at all.
That's one reason I wrote down why it's hard.
It's pretty much the only reason when I think about it.
Next question. How is that Satan keeps you from praying?
I never actually looked at it this way, but I'm going to agree with Justin.
One thing he said was being too busy.
Okay, even if I'm busy, I try to say a prayer.
I usually do at night.
When I'm really busy though, and just crash.
After talking on my phone.
I don't pray.
Hey there, Satan. I see your plan is working.
I'm really really glad my eyes are opened to this now.
Next. How do I pray?
I guess. I ramble.
Someone told me that even know God knows what happened throughout your day, He wants you to tell Him.
I talk about somethings, ask for forgiveness, to help this person and that person.
The last retreat I was on, Gretna Glen, right before Christmas.
The leaders instructed people in the youth group to teach a new way to pray.
Justin mentioned one of them, and that was A.C.T.S
A - Adoration
C - Confession
T - Thanksgiving
S - Supplication
I think I did that one, for about. A week. Obviously it didn't stick.
He showed I new one, and I like it. It's simple.
It is originally P.A.R.T.
P - Praise
A - Admit
R - Request
T - Thanks
Lookadoo, being himself added a 'S' to the end. P.A.R.T.S. I love it.
P - Praise
A - Admit
R - Request
T - Thanks
S - Shut up
I like it. I realized, when I pray.
I pray until I'm out.
Sleeping, dreaming, all of that.
When I shouldn't.
I say I listen to God, or am trying to hear it.
But I try in the rush of the day.
With the chattering people, and the rushing activities.
Another eye opener.
P - Praise - Psalm 147:1
A - Admit - 1 John 1:9
R - Request - James 4:2b
T - Thanks - Psalm 136:1
S - Shut up - Psalm 46:10a
A prayer journal was highly recommended.
I think when I go shopping tomorrow for my mission trip stuff,
I'm going to pick one up.
I really. Really. Really. Want to do this.
"Most people don't hear anything from God because they don't stop talking. This is what really makes praying a conversation and not just a monologue to God." - Lookadoo page 39
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Day Seven - Get In or Get Out
Prayer. A simple topic.
A basic topic tonight.
More commitments to reading and praying.
I'm all down for that.
I've heard Justin speak this lesson live. It was last year at Revelation Generation. I remember where I was sitting, who I was with, even what I was thinking about, but that isn't the point. I remember his main connector to the story, was coffee. Haha, yes coffee. It really made sense. I also remember him mentioning sky diving, asked if anyone has, and one girl raising her hand. He jumped off the stage, into the audience, just to talk to her. Haha.
Moving forward.
If you don't know, Mrs. Lookadoo, is a skydiver. I think she's on some all american team, don't hold me to it. BUT. She sky dives, and I think Mr.Lookadoo does too. I've heard of the bar thing before, on the planes before you jump. That if you don't jump all the way, like hesitate, you're going to it it. In or out. No in between.
Matthew 26: 57-75
If you wanna know it, read it. It's real good. I've actually heard the second part of the story, or, more of the follow up. I never read this part, and I'm really glad I did. More bible. Yay.
Peter, wasn't in, but he wasn't out. He followed Jesus, yes. He denied Jesus, yes. He was in the middle. I know for me, that's where I like to hang out. In therapy, a lot of what I work on is that everything isn't black or white. There is a middle ground, and I've become comfortable with it. It isn't the case with this story, or the life link. It's changing how I think now. That this is one way or another.
Revelation 3:15-16
'I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of My mouth. '
Harsh. God spewing YOU, out. That's so intense, it's like. Woah. I feel like that would be one of the worse things ever. It's fair though. God rather have people who don't believe in Him, than have people say they do, and deliver the wrong message. Like. Saying you believe in God, and you are a Christian, then going out smashing the town, and breaking things in a mad rush of cursing, and messing up the name of the people who do follow Him closely.
"I have no problem with God, it's His fan club I can't stand."
To be honest, that used to bug me. I would always think of the die hard Christians that I know, and the ones I've heard about, and how much they really live for God. I forgot about the lukewarm. I'm starting to like that quote, sadly.
"You must be totally committed. Get in or get out." - Lookadoo page 34
A basic topic tonight.
More commitments to reading and praying.
I'm all down for that.
I've heard Justin speak this lesson live. It was last year at Revelation Generation. I remember where I was sitting, who I was with, even what I was thinking about, but that isn't the point. I remember his main connector to the story, was coffee. Haha, yes coffee. It really made sense. I also remember him mentioning sky diving, asked if anyone has, and one girl raising her hand. He jumped off the stage, into the audience, just to talk to her. Haha.
Moving forward.
If you don't know, Mrs. Lookadoo, is a skydiver. I think she's on some all american team, don't hold me to it. BUT. She sky dives, and I think Mr.Lookadoo does too. I've heard of the bar thing before, on the planes before you jump. That if you don't jump all the way, like hesitate, you're going to it it. In or out. No in between.
Matthew 26: 57-75
If you wanna know it, read it. It's real good. I've actually heard the second part of the story, or, more of the follow up. I never read this part, and I'm really glad I did. More bible. Yay.
Peter, wasn't in, but he wasn't out. He followed Jesus, yes. He denied Jesus, yes. He was in the middle. I know for me, that's where I like to hang out. In therapy, a lot of what I work on is that everything isn't black or white. There is a middle ground, and I've become comfortable with it. It isn't the case with this story, or the life link. It's changing how I think now. That this is one way or another.
Revelation 3:15-16
'I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of My mouth. '
Harsh. God spewing YOU, out. That's so intense, it's like. Woah. I feel like that would be one of the worse things ever. It's fair though. God rather have people who don't believe in Him, than have people say they do, and deliver the wrong message. Like. Saying you believe in God, and you are a Christian, then going out smashing the town, and breaking things in a mad rush of cursing, and messing up the name of the people who do follow Him closely.
"I have no problem with God, it's His fan club I can't stand."
To be honest, that used to bug me. I would always think of the die hard Christians that I know, and the ones I've heard about, and how much they really live for God. I forgot about the lukewarm. I'm starting to like that quote, sadly.
"You must be totally committed. Get in or get out." - Lookadoo page 34
Monday, July 19, 2010
Day Six - Media Fast Again
Today was more of a check up.
Kind of, let us go over again why you are really doing this.
Stay strong, keep going, count down the days and stay focused.
Those kind of things.
Matthew 12:33-37
'Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit. You brood of vipers how can you who are evil say anything good? For our of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day judgement for every careless word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted and by your words you will be condemned.'
So the follow up question was how do you "store up" stuff inside you?
Well, I mean, not too much has been going on lately.
I can't think of anyway.
I used to store emotions a lot.
My answer was remembering and not letting go.
Good stuff?
Bad stuff?
How do you store it?
For good. Sharing. For bad. Not letting go. Both remembering.
A good question brought up.
Why is there so much weight put on our words?
My answer, because it can make or break somebody.
Cool things, Bible stuff, experiences, all that stuff. Is praising God. It tells us who we are, or who we are not. What fruit we bear, good or bad.
Romans 12:2
'And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.'
Same as yesterday. This media fast will pay off eventually and be for the better. It's actually not too bad.
"Cause what consumes your thoughts controls your life." - Creed 'What If'
Kind of, let us go over again why you are really doing this.
Stay strong, keep going, count down the days and stay focused.
Those kind of things.
Matthew 12:33-37
'Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit. You brood of vipers how can you who are evil say anything good? For our of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day judgement for every careless word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted and by your words you will be condemned.'
So the follow up question was how do you "store up" stuff inside you?
Well, I mean, not too much has been going on lately.
I can't think of anyway.
I used to store emotions a lot.
My answer was remembering and not letting go.
Good stuff?
Bad stuff?
How do you store it?
For good. Sharing. For bad. Not letting go. Both remembering.
A good question brought up.
Why is there so much weight put on our words?
My answer, because it can make or break somebody.
Cool things, Bible stuff, experiences, all that stuff. Is praising God. It tells us who we are, or who we are not. What fruit we bear, good or bad.
Romans 12:2
'And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.'
Same as yesterday. This media fast will pay off eventually and be for the better. It's actually not too bad.
"Cause what consumes your thoughts controls your life." - Creed 'What If'
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Day Five - Media Fast
I admit to this, I cheated. I was supposed to do this on Friday. I found dumb excuses to put it off, but I finally sharpened up my senses, and found the time to do my devotional. I even almost quit the devotional. Especially after some series of events and emotions tonight, I straightened it out. Here I am, and here we go.
Girls. That seems to be the thing mentioned most in my life. Yeah, okay, I know I'M a girl, so thank you to all those who just commented in your head 'well, you are a girl.' I mean. Pretty girls. By the people I've come into contact with, they include hot.
"She was the package! Fun. Exciting. Eye candy to the blizap! Walking perfection!" - Lookadoo page 21.
Yep, Mr. Author himself. He continues.
This girl, he was talking about, dated this guy. A guy that, well. Wasn't really a good guy. More like, if your girlfriend met him, boys, you'd sucker-punch him.
"Her boy friend of two years dogged her out every chance he got. he would do it on front of his friends, and her friends. He would tell her how ugly and stupid she was and that if she ever left him she would never get another date because no one else could stand being around her." - Lookadoo page 21
You. Are. Kidding. Me. That doesn't fly with anyone of my guy friends, and it doesn't fly with me. If one of my friends were going through that, and I knew about it. I'd say something.
"The deal is - if you hear something long enough you believe it. Truth becomes irrelevant." - Lookadoo page 21
Sadly, I know people this has happened to. It breaks my heart.
Judges 16:1-22
I'm going to let you look this one up for yourself. If you know the story, whatever discussed on here will make sense. If you don't, look it up. Get on the same page. Or you can piece it together, but save that for your puzzles.
Samson knew he was strong, but used it for all the wrong reasons. He was too busy impressing people, that he ended up not giving God full control of his life. He wanted the attention, Delilah gave it to him. If Samson really loved Delilah, he would tell her his weakness. Telling her his weakness, would mean getting the attention he wanted. He took the bait, and he shattered.
"Samson, this guy with insane physical strength, was totally destroyed because of who he listened to and what he allowed to grow in his mind." - Lookadoo page 22
A lot of parents tell younger kids, don't watch too much TV. I wonder now, do they say that because they want the kid to go outside? Or that they don't want their child learning bad habits? Or maybe it is even, that they don't want little son and daughter to think what's on TV, is the norm. This outside of the house stuff, even inside, is junk. Kids will grow up believing that, if they are stuck on TV.
I found this even with teens. Degrassi, yeah, roll up the eye rolls and smirks now.
No lie, an episode was all about how a girl, wanted sex, because that's how it was on the TV. That every romantic relationship, must have that to be complete. I disagree, and if you disagree with me, so be it. My blog, my view.
Isn't that crazy? If they did it as a 'hey, open your eyes, don't fall for this.' That's awesome. If it's 'people do this all the time, they'll watch the episode, forget and do it themselves. Their lives, not ours.' Not cool. I can't really say, just. Mind boggling.
Like stated earlier, the truth is irrelevant, and you will believe what you hear.
21 day media fast.
Three weeks.
These are the Lookadoo rules.
No computer games
No surfin'
Only music that talks about good stuff.
I can do that. Thinking about it. I'm really excited. 21 days, of me and God. Er, almost. What I mean is. No stupid ads on TV telling you that you would look somewhat decent with this. That if you are too big, not their standards, you need to go anorexic, bulimic, anything to be thin. You're too concerned about grades than friends, you'll be alone your whole life. That if you are upset, for a long period of time, that you're an 'emo.' Don't like the opposite gender, the word 'gay' is now dedicated to how lame we think your lifestyle is. You like music? Band music, marching band is for the people with no friends. You don't know how to handle your pain, you cutter. Yeah, drugs are a problem, but you're the bigger problem for taking them. You're adopted? Oh, you'll never have a real life. You're parents aren't married, you're parents couldn't even marry each other out of love, how can they love you? On the streets. That's where you belong for being so nasty. You lost your job not me.
The list. Goes. Forever. Not going to lie, I got really upset writing stuff down, because I know it's not how I think. It's not how God thinks. He loves us, all. How we are.
I'm done. I'm done with the people on TV who are seen as ugly, fat, geek, emo, gay, dork, the cutters, the druggies, the bastards, the hobos. We are people.
Those offensive names, ya know. The one the stupid little box with colors told you to call people. Is done. Those words, that you can NEVER forget, because you've heard them so much. That you think them in your head, and say. Shoot, that was hurtful, and I am lower than low.
Romans 12:2
'And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.'
"What does this all mean? It ain't brain surgery: Garbage in, garbage out." - Lookadoo page 22
My name is Alexa Sims, and the media is wrong about me.
Girls. That seems to be the thing mentioned most in my life. Yeah, okay, I know I'M a girl, so thank you to all those who just commented in your head 'well, you are a girl.' I mean. Pretty girls. By the people I've come into contact with, they include hot.
"She was the package! Fun. Exciting. Eye candy to the blizap! Walking perfection!" - Lookadoo page 21.
Yep, Mr. Author himself. He continues.
This girl, he was talking about, dated this guy. A guy that, well. Wasn't really a good guy. More like, if your girlfriend met him, boys, you'd sucker-punch him.
"Her boy friend of two years dogged her out every chance he got. he would do it on front of his friends, and her friends. He would tell her how ugly and stupid she was and that if she ever left him she would never get another date because no one else could stand being around her." - Lookadoo page 21
You. Are. Kidding. Me. That doesn't fly with anyone of my guy friends, and it doesn't fly with me. If one of my friends were going through that, and I knew about it. I'd say something.
"The deal is - if you hear something long enough you believe it. Truth becomes irrelevant." - Lookadoo page 21
Sadly, I know people this has happened to. It breaks my heart.
Judges 16:1-22
I'm going to let you look this one up for yourself. If you know the story, whatever discussed on here will make sense. If you don't, look it up. Get on the same page. Or you can piece it together, but save that for your puzzles.
Samson knew he was strong, but used it for all the wrong reasons. He was too busy impressing people, that he ended up not giving God full control of his life. He wanted the attention, Delilah gave it to him. If Samson really loved Delilah, he would tell her his weakness. Telling her his weakness, would mean getting the attention he wanted. He took the bait, and he shattered.
"Samson, this guy with insane physical strength, was totally destroyed because of who he listened to and what he allowed to grow in his mind." - Lookadoo page 22
A lot of parents tell younger kids, don't watch too much TV. I wonder now, do they say that because they want the kid to go outside? Or that they don't want their child learning bad habits? Or maybe it is even, that they don't want little son and daughter to think what's on TV, is the norm. This outside of the house stuff, even inside, is junk. Kids will grow up believing that, if they are stuck on TV.
I found this even with teens. Degrassi, yeah, roll up the eye rolls and smirks now.
No lie, an episode was all about how a girl, wanted sex, because that's how it was on the TV. That every romantic relationship, must have that to be complete. I disagree, and if you disagree with me, so be it. My blog, my view.
Isn't that crazy? If they did it as a 'hey, open your eyes, don't fall for this.' That's awesome. If it's 'people do this all the time, they'll watch the episode, forget and do it themselves. Their lives, not ours.' Not cool. I can't really say, just. Mind boggling.
Like stated earlier, the truth is irrelevant, and you will believe what you hear.
21 day media fast.
Three weeks.
These are the Lookadoo rules.
No computer games
No surfin'
Only music that talks about good stuff.
I can do that. Thinking about it. I'm really excited. 21 days, of me and God. Er, almost. What I mean is. No stupid ads on TV telling you that you would look somewhat decent with this. That if you are too big, not their standards, you need to go anorexic, bulimic, anything to be thin. You're too concerned about grades than friends, you'll be alone your whole life. That if you are upset, for a long period of time, that you're an 'emo.' Don't like the opposite gender, the word 'gay' is now dedicated to how lame we think your lifestyle is. You like music? Band music, marching band is for the people with no friends. You don't know how to handle your pain, you cutter. Yeah, drugs are a problem, but you're the bigger problem for taking them. You're adopted? Oh, you'll never have a real life. You're parents aren't married, you're parents couldn't even marry each other out of love, how can they love you? On the streets. That's where you belong for being so nasty. You lost your job not me.
The list. Goes. Forever. Not going to lie, I got really upset writing stuff down, because I know it's not how I think. It's not how God thinks. He loves us, all. How we are.
I'm done. I'm done with the people on TV who are seen as ugly, fat, geek, emo, gay, dork, the cutters, the druggies, the bastards, the hobos. We are people.
Those offensive names, ya know. The one the stupid little box with colors told you to call people. Is done. Those words, that you can NEVER forget, because you've heard them so much. That you think them in your head, and say. Shoot, that was hurtful, and I am lower than low.
Romans 12:2
'And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.'
"What does this all mean? It ain't brain surgery: Garbage in, garbage out." - Lookadoo page 22
My name is Alexa Sims, and the media is wrong about me.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Day Four - Got Symbols?
Once again with the whole answering the questions left from the previous day.
It's crazy.
This lesson, had. More commitment. I know so many people who are afraid of that word. I guess I'm not afraid of it, just hesitant. I can do it, or well. I can plan to try and keep what I said I'd commit. I think I'm actually going to do it for this. Woah, excitement.
Driving. All who know me well enough, know me as the 17 year old girl who is ridiculous for not having her license. "How can you not want to drive?" My answer is "I'm scared." I guess driving is a bigger thing for me hesitate on than commitment. Let's just mix the two together. Thanks, Lookadoo.
Stop signs. Now, from what I've heard, if it's not too busy. Or you know it's empty. Stop signs are just kinda there to say "hey, slow down, don't hit that car." If you don't stop, it's not going to run in front of you and make you stop. (If that happens to you, let me know, really!) It's a reminder. A symbol. Most signs are. They remind us of what we have to do in order to stay on the road. In all aspects of life.
Genesis 8:20-21
'Then Noah build an altar to the Lord and, taking some of all the clean animals and clean birds, he sacrificed burnt offerings on it. The Lord smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart; "Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done."
Genesis 9:8-17
'Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him; "I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you and with every living creature that was with you- the birds, the livestock and all the wild animals, all those that came out of the ark with you- every living creature on earth. I establish my covenant with you; Never again will all life be cut off by the waters if a of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth"
And God said, "This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come; I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds. I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on this earth/" So God said to Noah, "This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth."'
"...covenant, a Bible word that manes 'make a deal." - Lookadoo page 16
You get your licence, your covenant is that you'll obey traffic rules, laws, the same pish posh. They set reminders up, of how you can obtain them.
"It's like God making a deal with us that he won't do a mambo-killer flood again." - Lookadoo page 17
God uses symbols for us on our journey with him too. A big one in the bible was an altar. See, when I heard alter, I thought, 'er, well. You pray while kneeling in front of it to thank God for what he has done for your sins.' Apparently there is more, in a lot simpler terms. Also known as, the stop sign.
"Noah built altars. Moses, David, they all build altars to remind them of something God had done, said, or promised." - Lookadoo page 17
LIFE LINK! (Woah, in the middle.)
Proverbs 16:3
'commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established.'
God told people to have symbols.
Numbers 15:37-40
'The Lord said to Moses, "Speak to the Israelites and say to the; 'Throughout the generations to come you are to make tassels on the corners of your garments, with a clue cord on each tassel. You will have these tassels to look at you so you will remember all the commands of the Lord, that you may obey them and not prostitute yourselves by going after the lists of your own hearts and eyes. Then you will remember to obey all my commands and will be consecrated to your God, I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt to be your God. I am the Lord your God.'"
I like it. A lot.
I was nudged to make a commitment. Kinda like, you should really do it, but if you want to, don't do it. I did it.
"I will try my best to follow the instructions of this devotional books, found through the typing of Lookadoo, which you can find You and Your words."
I'm committed. Next. Build your altar.
Lookadoo is real sneaky about making sure you commit to doing what the book says, and THEN tell you to go outside to gather some rocks. Yeah, uh. It's 12:12 pm NOW. I got rocks a good 45 minutes ago. Of course, there are no 'stackable rocks' in my front yard.
I rewrote my commitment and build my altar on top of it. It's adorable, on my windowsill. It's actually my new favorite addition to my room.

Isn't it cute?
Every time I see it, I'm reminded of the commitment I made on reading the works of God, through Lookadoo, which I know. With all my heart. Will bring me closer to God.
More symbols.
A key ring, rubber band, and cross ring. All important symbols that Justin wears to remind him of the word.
It's encouraged to find my own. I'm currently in the middle of making a bracelet. I hope it turns out alright. It's my reminder that, not everyone thinks like me. We all have different backgrounds, state of minds, logic, interests, hates, and I need to learn to be patient. Patient with everyone who I don't see eye to eye on.
"Sybmols will change what we do. Not because they're magic, or anything like that, but because they totally change our focus." Lookadoo page 20
It's crazy.
This lesson, had. More commitment. I know so many people who are afraid of that word. I guess I'm not afraid of it, just hesitant. I can do it, or well. I can plan to try and keep what I said I'd commit. I think I'm actually going to do it for this. Woah, excitement.
Driving. All who know me well enough, know me as the 17 year old girl who is ridiculous for not having her license. "How can you not want to drive?" My answer is "I'm scared." I guess driving is a bigger thing for me hesitate on than commitment. Let's just mix the two together. Thanks, Lookadoo.
Stop signs. Now, from what I've heard, if it's not too busy. Or you know it's empty. Stop signs are just kinda there to say "hey, slow down, don't hit that car." If you don't stop, it's not going to run in front of you and make you stop. (If that happens to you, let me know, really!) It's a reminder. A symbol. Most signs are. They remind us of what we have to do in order to stay on the road. In all aspects of life.
Genesis 8:20-21
'Then Noah build an altar to the Lord and, taking some of all the clean animals and clean birds, he sacrificed burnt offerings on it. The Lord smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart; "Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done."
Genesis 9:8-17
'Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him; "I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you and with every living creature that was with you- the birds, the livestock and all the wild animals, all those that came out of the ark with you- every living creature on earth. I establish my covenant with you; Never again will all life be cut off by the waters if a of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth"
And God said, "This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come; I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds. I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on this earth/" So God said to Noah, "This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth."'
"...covenant, a Bible word that manes 'make a deal." - Lookadoo page 16
You get your licence, your covenant is that you'll obey traffic rules, laws, the same pish posh. They set reminders up, of how you can obtain them.
"It's like God making a deal with us that he won't do a mambo-killer flood again." - Lookadoo page 17
God uses symbols for us on our journey with him too. A big one in the bible was an altar. See, when I heard alter, I thought, 'er, well. You pray while kneeling in front of it to thank God for what he has done for your sins.' Apparently there is more, in a lot simpler terms. Also known as, the stop sign.
"Noah built altars. Moses, David, they all build altars to remind them of something God had done, said, or promised." - Lookadoo page 17
LIFE LINK! (Woah, in the middle.)
Proverbs 16:3
'commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established.'
God told people to have symbols.
Numbers 15:37-40
'The Lord said to Moses, "Speak to the Israelites and say to the; 'Throughout the generations to come you are to make tassels on the corners of your garments, with a clue cord on each tassel. You will have these tassels to look at you so you will remember all the commands of the Lord, that you may obey them and not prostitute yourselves by going after the lists of your own hearts and eyes. Then you will remember to obey all my commands and will be consecrated to your God, I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt to be your God. I am the Lord your God.'"
I like it. A lot.
I was nudged to make a commitment. Kinda like, you should really do it, but if you want to, don't do it. I did it.
"I will try my best to follow the instructions of this devotional books, found through the typing of Lookadoo, which you can find You and Your words."
I'm committed. Next. Build your altar.
Lookadoo is real sneaky about making sure you commit to doing what the book says, and THEN tell you to go outside to gather some rocks. Yeah, uh. It's 12:12 pm NOW. I got rocks a good 45 minutes ago. Of course, there are no 'stackable rocks' in my front yard.
I rewrote my commitment and build my altar on top of it. It's adorable, on my windowsill. It's actually my new favorite addition to my room.
Isn't it cute?
Every time I see it, I'm reminded of the commitment I made on reading the works of God, through Lookadoo, which I know. With all my heart. Will bring me closer to God.
More symbols.
A key ring, rubber band, and cross ring. All important symbols that Justin wears to remind him of the word.
It's encouraged to find my own. I'm currently in the middle of making a bracelet. I hope it turns out alright. It's my reminder that, not everyone thinks like me. We all have different backgrounds, state of minds, logic, interests, hates, and I need to learn to be patient. Patient with everyone who I don't see eye to eye on.
"Sybmols will change what we do. Not because they're magic, or anything like that, but because they totally change our focus." Lookadoo page 20
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Day Three - Lifestyle
It still amazes me how this guy works.
The next day of devotionals, is always the problem I am left with in the end of the day before. Always.
It's hard to grasp. Like, really.
I'm not gonna lie, this lesson took a little more thinking. It wasn't the, story to suck you in, here is the bible passage, read first line, OH I GET THE LINK.
It was more like, story time, here's the passage, what in the world does this have to do with anything, life lesson, why didn't I get the connection before, it's so simple.
Way to go, Sims.
It makes me think though, and I'm completely cool with that.
Jorge, was a ganster. Not "yo, wassup, I'm so gantsa cause I'm from SouderTON." This was, knife fight wounds with drive by scars. The real deal. Of course, he was in juvie. That's how he met Lookadoo. (If you didn't know, another awesome fact about Lookadoo is that he was a juvenile prohibition officer for six years. An even COOLER fact was that after he developed and carried out programs for 28 elementary schools, the department of correction's referral rate went down 61% then what was projected. really, check it out. Even right now.) Anyway.
The main point of this was, that Jorge wanted to change, and he knew he needed to. I wouldn't blame him.
The two kept in touch, and Jorge continued showing distress about the pressures in his old life. It got to him.
The saddest part of everything in the story, was that Jorge said he wouldn't make it to see the age of twenty-one. He was right.
Matthew 9:14-17
'Then John's disciples came and asked him, "How is it that we and the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast?" Jesus answered, "How can the guest of the bridegroom mourn while he is with them? The time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; then they will face. "No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch will pull away from the garment, making the tear worse. Neither do men pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst, the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved."'
Did YOU get it?
I feel as if I'm talking to myself.
In a nutshell. You can't mix new and old, and expect it to be stable. If you put your new self, in the same destructive setting, you're going to get pulled back in.
This couldn't be any more true.
Lookadoo does a lesson, you can buy if off the Creation website I believe, and it's called something like "Saying the H word." TOTALLY check it. I'm mentioning it because he made a good point about parties. If you are a Christian, and you go to a party that will definitely have drinking, and you don't drink, you're going to think that you can be the change. "Well, I'll go to that party, but I won't drink, and everyone will see God in me." All your friends will come up to you and say "Oh my word. She isn't drinking. I SEE THE LIGHT IN YOU. TAKE ME TO JESUS. Bring me to church, I have found the way." Wrong. You're friends will probably come up to you drunk saying, "Oh haaayyyy. When did you get hereeeeee. Woah, I can't stanndddd, why is your face like thattt. Here, want another drink?" You know it's true.
"You have given your life to God, but you haven't changed your life style." - Lookadoo page 13
Again, couldn't be any more true.
If you drink all the time, and show up to that party. Maybe not that one, but parties later. You'll get back into it.
So what now? There comes that tear.
Not with drinking, that's not me.
I wrote my old wineskins. That was an easy task, Lookadoo.
Next step?
Be specific in the first step of how to change all of that.
I'm supposed to do what now? I don't know where to start.
I found it, I think.
2 Corinthians 5:17
'Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.'
"The world would be a much cleaner place if we ate our own trash." - Lookadoo page 15
The next day of devotionals, is always the problem I am left with in the end of the day before. Always.
It's hard to grasp. Like, really.
I'm not gonna lie, this lesson took a little more thinking. It wasn't the, story to suck you in, here is the bible passage, read first line, OH I GET THE LINK.
It was more like, story time, here's the passage, what in the world does this have to do with anything, life lesson, why didn't I get the connection before, it's so simple.
Way to go, Sims.
It makes me think though, and I'm completely cool with that.
Jorge, was a ganster. Not "yo, wassup, I'm so gantsa cause I'm from SouderTON." This was, knife fight wounds with drive by scars. The real deal. Of course, he was in juvie. That's how he met Lookadoo. (If you didn't know, another awesome fact about Lookadoo is that he was a juvenile prohibition officer for six years. An even COOLER fact was that after he developed and carried out programs for 28 elementary schools, the department of correction's referral rate went down 61% then what was projected. really, check it out. Even right now.) Anyway.
The main point of this was, that Jorge wanted to change, and he knew he needed to. I wouldn't blame him.
The two kept in touch, and Jorge continued showing distress about the pressures in his old life. It got to him.
The saddest part of everything in the story, was that Jorge said he wouldn't make it to see the age of twenty-one. He was right.
Matthew 9:14-17
'Then John's disciples came and asked him, "How is it that we and the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast?" Jesus answered, "How can the guest of the bridegroom mourn while he is with them? The time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; then they will face. "No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch will pull away from the garment, making the tear worse. Neither do men pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst, the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved."'
Did YOU get it?
I feel as if I'm talking to myself.
In a nutshell. You can't mix new and old, and expect it to be stable. If you put your new self, in the same destructive setting, you're going to get pulled back in.
This couldn't be any more true.
Lookadoo does a lesson, you can buy if off the Creation website I believe, and it's called something like "Saying the H word." TOTALLY check it. I'm mentioning it because he made a good point about parties. If you are a Christian, and you go to a party that will definitely have drinking, and you don't drink, you're going to think that you can be the change. "Well, I'll go to that party, but I won't drink, and everyone will see God in me." All your friends will come up to you and say "Oh my word. She isn't drinking. I SEE THE LIGHT IN YOU. TAKE ME TO JESUS. Bring me to church, I have found the way." Wrong. You're friends will probably come up to you drunk saying, "Oh haaayyyy. When did you get hereeeeee. Woah, I can't stanndddd, why is your face like thattt. Here, want another drink?" You know it's true.
"You have given your life to God, but you haven't changed your life style." - Lookadoo page 13
Again, couldn't be any more true.
If you drink all the time, and show up to that party. Maybe not that one, but parties later. You'll get back into it.
So what now? There comes that tear.
Not with drinking, that's not me.
I wrote my old wineskins. That was an easy task, Lookadoo.
Next step?
Be specific in the first step of how to change all of that.
I'm supposed to do what now? I don't know where to start.
I found it, I think.
2 Corinthians 5:17
'Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.'
"The world would be a much cleaner place if we ate our own trash." - Lookadoo page 15
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Day Two - $100 Commitment
I can honestly say these devotionals are my favorite part of the day.
I find it unusual that I actually look forward to something like this.
Not just Jesus and people. No. This is me and Jesus.
I'm beginning to love it.
One hundred dollars. That was pretty much the lesson. I have heard him talk about this before at Creation two years ago, and I forgot how much I loved it. It wasn't just me either who loved it, I remember there were kids in the youth group who enjoyed it as well. I even remember one going to the prayer tent. It was an awesome message. Props to JLookadoo, like always.
"What if I handed you a $100 bill? Would you take it? (I know. DUH! But work with me for a second.) How much would it be worth? Hundred bucks. Cool. What if I rubbed it under my armpits? Would you take it? Sure! Cause how much is it worth now? Same. What if I wadded it up into a little ball, spit on it, threw it on the ground, and stepped on it? Now how much is it worth? Hundred smackeroos. Nothing we did changed the calue. It was still worth the same. And free money is good money" - Lookadoo Page 6
Lookadoo talks about how a lot of teenage Christians are at the 'I feel so far away from God' point. I know I am. I mean, really. That's been the story of my life.
"You feel like you have gotten so far away from God that He doesn't want to have anything to do with you. You feel worthless and when someone says God loves you, you say things like 'But you don't know what I've done." - Lookadoo Page 6
The parable that is tied into this is Luke 15:11-32.
Pretty much, it is about two sons, who each get a portion of their father's wealth. One of the sons stays home, and 'slaves away' at what his father asks him to do. The other, leaves. He parties, drinks, and blows all of his money away. A famine strikes and he realizes, he has nothing. He goes home to his father to ask for help. Upon arrival, his dad asks sees him and throws a celebration. The son that has stayed pretty much is like. You're kidding me, dad. Really? He left you, and now you're giving him a party? I've stayed here, I've gotten nothing like the party you're going to give him.
"You've been living like you aren't even part of God's family. Well, it's time to come home. God - Dad - is waiting for you. He wants you to come back" - Lookadoo Page 7
Luke 15: 31-32
"My son,' the father said, 'you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again, he was lost and is found,'"
"You are the son in the story. God is the father, God wants to hug you and throw you a party because you are back. And that blah-blah excuse of, 'If he knew what I have done, He wouldn't want me back,' doesn't cut it. He does know, and He does want you" - Lookadoo Page 7
"You are the $100 bill. God sees you as His valuable child. You may have messed up big time. You are still $100. You may have been crumbled up, stomped on, and totally trashed your life. But you are still worth the same today as you were the first day you gave your life to God." - Lookadoo page 8
God loves do-overs. Loves them, loves them, loves them. He will give you as many do-overs as you need, or you to come back to Him. He loves you, so much. Me too.
"He's waiting on you to make a move."
1 John 1:9
'If we confess our sings, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sings and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.'
"God loves you no matter what you've done. He want to help you. Get back to God and do-over" - Lookadoo Page 10
I find it unusual that I actually look forward to something like this.
Not just Jesus and people. No. This is me and Jesus.
I'm beginning to love it.
One hundred dollars. That was pretty much the lesson. I have heard him talk about this before at Creation two years ago, and I forgot how much I loved it. It wasn't just me either who loved it, I remember there were kids in the youth group who enjoyed it as well. I even remember one going to the prayer tent. It was an awesome message. Props to JLookadoo, like always.
"What if I handed you a $100 bill? Would you take it? (I know. DUH! But work with me for a second.) How much would it be worth? Hundred bucks. Cool. What if I rubbed it under my armpits? Would you take it? Sure! Cause how much is it worth now? Same. What if I wadded it up into a little ball, spit on it, threw it on the ground, and stepped on it? Now how much is it worth? Hundred smackeroos. Nothing we did changed the calue. It was still worth the same. And free money is good money" - Lookadoo Page 6
Lookadoo talks about how a lot of teenage Christians are at the 'I feel so far away from God' point. I know I am. I mean, really. That's been the story of my life.
"You feel like you have gotten so far away from God that He doesn't want to have anything to do with you. You feel worthless and when someone says God loves you, you say things like 'But you don't know what I've done." - Lookadoo Page 6
The parable that is tied into this is Luke 15:11-32.
Pretty much, it is about two sons, who each get a portion of their father's wealth. One of the sons stays home, and 'slaves away' at what his father asks him to do. The other, leaves. He parties, drinks, and blows all of his money away. A famine strikes and he realizes, he has nothing. He goes home to his father to ask for help. Upon arrival, his dad asks sees him and throws a celebration. The son that has stayed pretty much is like. You're kidding me, dad. Really? He left you, and now you're giving him a party? I've stayed here, I've gotten nothing like the party you're going to give him.
"You've been living like you aren't even part of God's family. Well, it's time to come home. God - Dad - is waiting for you. He wants you to come back" - Lookadoo Page 7
Luke 15: 31-32
"My son,' the father said, 'you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again, he was lost and is found,'"
"You are the son in the story. God is the father, God wants to hug you and throw you a party because you are back. And that blah-blah excuse of, 'If he knew what I have done, He wouldn't want me back,' doesn't cut it. He does know, and He does want you" - Lookadoo Page 7
"You are the $100 bill. God sees you as His valuable child. You may have messed up big time. You are still $100. You may have been crumbled up, stomped on, and totally trashed your life. But you are still worth the same today as you were the first day you gave your life to God." - Lookadoo page 8
God loves do-overs. Loves them, loves them, loves them. He will give you as many do-overs as you need, or you to come back to Him. He loves you, so much. Me too.
"He's waiting on you to make a move."
1 John 1:9
'If we confess our sings, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sings and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.'
"God loves you no matter what you've done. He want to help you. Get back to God and do-over" - Lookadoo Page 10
Monday, July 12, 2010
Day One - Road Map
I just finished day one of Justin Lookadoo's The Hardest 30 Days of Your Life.
I feel completely new and energetic again.
My heart is thumping.
I completely love it.
It's that rush he talked about in the beginning.
If you didn't read the quote before. I'll restate it now.
"Here's the deal. You are about to do thinks you never thought you could. You are not going to live on the edge - that's for wimps. You are going to walk up to the edge and step off. You will push yourself further than you ever thought possible. The ride of your life has just begun, and there's no stopping in the middle." - Justin Lookadoo
It has never been more true.
I love it.
He talked about maps. Yes maps, and showed a map of Texas. That's all. He told me to explain which way to get to Canada. (There are blank spaces, I'm not crazy.) Duh, I know where Canada is, it's up. I knew that wasn't the point, because you can't tell looking at a Texas map.
1 Corinthians 2:14
'The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.'
Pretty much, how is God supposed to understand you, if you don't have anywhere written on you that you want to follow Him. It's telling Him to get to Canada, when you are only Texas. Yeah, okay okay, He understands and can do it without looking. The point is that we have to give more than what we have.
"You can go to church, pray, do a Bible study thing, but if you have not given Jesus control of your life, IT REALLY WON'T MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE." - Lookadoo Page 2
This has been the story of my life. I pray every night, went to church, youth group, even started a Bible study with Ellen called Revive. It was just my way of trying to see more, without wanting a commitment. Like I said, I knew where Canada was, it was north. Well, I knew what I had to do here, just didn't find a way to actually peruse it.
"Sure, you will get some directions on how to live a "good" life, but it won't really click for you. Like if you're using a Texas map to get to Canada. Sure you will get some general directions on how to go north, but, in the big picture, it won't help much" - Lookadoo Page 2
Romans 6:23
'For the wages of sin in death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.'
"For the wages of sin is death. We earn death - hell. But the God thing is that He gives us a gift. Life - Heaven. It's your choice." - Lookadoo Page 3
I feel completely new and energetic again.
My heart is thumping.
I completely love it.
It's that rush he talked about in the beginning.
If you didn't read the quote before. I'll restate it now.
"Here's the deal. You are about to do thinks you never thought you could. You are not going to live on the edge - that's for wimps. You are going to walk up to the edge and step off. You will push yourself further than you ever thought possible. The ride of your life has just begun, and there's no stopping in the middle." - Justin Lookadoo
It has never been more true.
I love it.
He talked about maps. Yes maps, and showed a map of Texas. That's all. He told me to explain which way to get to Canada. (There are blank spaces, I'm not crazy.) Duh, I know where Canada is, it's up. I knew that wasn't the point, because you can't tell looking at a Texas map.
1 Corinthians 2:14
'The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.'
Pretty much, how is God supposed to understand you, if you don't have anywhere written on you that you want to follow Him. It's telling Him to get to Canada, when you are only Texas. Yeah, okay okay, He understands and can do it without looking. The point is that we have to give more than what we have.
"You can go to church, pray, do a Bible study thing, but if you have not given Jesus control of your life, IT REALLY WON'T MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE." - Lookadoo Page 2
This has been the story of my life. I pray every night, went to church, youth group, even started a Bible study with Ellen called Revive. It was just my way of trying to see more, without wanting a commitment. Like I said, I knew where Canada was, it was north. Well, I knew what I had to do here, just didn't find a way to actually peruse it.
"Sure, you will get some directions on how to live a "good" life, but it won't really click for you. Like if you're using a Texas map to get to Canada. Sure you will get some general directions on how to go north, but, in the big picture, it won't help much" - Lookadoo Page 2
Romans 6:23
'For the wages of sin in death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.'
"For the wages of sin is death. We earn death - hell. But the God thing is that He gives us a gift. Life - Heaven. It's your choice." - Lookadoo Page 3
Sunday, July 11, 2010
I don't think that I have actually ever been this excited for anything.
Especially a Monday.
I didn't think it was possible.
Even though tomorrow Maddy and Ant won't be home.
They left for the week.
Let's see how this go.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow.
I don't think that I have actually ever been this excited for anything.
Especially a Monday.
I didn't think it was possible.
Even though tomorrow Maddy and Ant won't be home.
They left for the week.
Let's see how this go.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Can it be now?
Temptation is right. here.
I'm trying not to fight,
or loose my temper.
God, please work through me.
Temptation is right. here.
I'm trying not to fight,
or loose my temper.
God, please work through me.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
In the beginnging text of the Lookadoo's book.
It says doing it alone would be tough.
That groups were better.
If I wanted to do it alone, go for it.
Well. That was my plan.
Me and God. That's it. No interuptions.
Adam said that it's good to have people to bounce off of.
No. Ya see, everyone.
I had that. It threw it back at my face.
Why would I have that again.
"Well, this is Godly group, it won't happen."
I'm sure someone will think that upon reading this blog.
Isn't youth group Godly?
Er. Supposed to be?
So. Alone or with people.
I'm really digging on alone.
It says doing it alone would be tough.
That groups were better.
If I wanted to do it alone, go for it.
Well. That was my plan.
Me and God. That's it. No interuptions.
Adam said that it's good to have people to bounce off of.
No. Ya see, everyone.
I had that. It threw it back at my face.
Why would I have that again.
"Well, this is Godly group, it won't happen."
I'm sure someone will think that upon reading this blog.
Isn't youth group Godly?
Er. Supposed to be?
So. Alone or with people.
I'm really digging on alone.
I'm already loosing my motivation for faith.
I'm slipping into "I don't really care."
No. No. No.
I'm not sure how to prevent this.
Emily said maybe instead of trying so many new ides.
All the things I've mentioned before.
But just kick back.
Relax. Don't think about it too much.
I don't want to do either.
I'm just somewhere in the middle right now.
I guess I'll just take a rest.
I'm slipping into "I don't really care."
No. No. No.
I'm not sure how to prevent this.
Emily said maybe instead of trying so many new ides.
All the things I've mentioned before.
But just kick back.
Relax. Don't think about it too much.
I don't want to do either.
I'm just somewhere in the middle right now.
I guess I'll just take a rest.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
I will start Justin Lookadoo's book on Monday.
It's all planned out, and I want to keep it that way.
"Here's the deal. You are about to do thinks you never thought you could. You are not going to live on the edge - that's for wimps. You are going to walk up to the edge and step off. You will push yourself further than you ever thought possible. The ride of your life has just begun, and there's no stopping in the middle." - Justin Lookadoo
It's all planned out, and I want to keep it that way.
"Here's the deal. You are about to do thinks you never thought you could. You are not going to live on the edge - that's for wimps. You are going to walk up to the edge and step off. You will push yourself further than you ever thought possible. The ride of your life has just begun, and there's no stopping in the middle." - Justin Lookadoo
I'm going to start Justin Lookdoo's The Hardest 30 Days of Your Life.
I think tonight, once I find post it notes.
This is where I will blog what I learned, felt, or how it changed me.
It won't be my only post, but I think it'll be the main one.
I realized this blog is for my ranting, not people to comment.
I don't oppose to comments, I just realized it's more private.
Plus, writing hurts a lot.
I'll be back.
I think tonight, once I find post it notes.
This is where I will blog what I learned, felt, or how it changed me.
It won't be my only post, but I think it'll be the main one.
I realized this blog is for my ranting, not people to comment.
I don't oppose to comments, I just realized it's more private.
Plus, writing hurts a lot.
I'll be back.
So I've finally asked my main question about all of this faith stuff.
What do you do when you are too worn out with everything?
Do you fake it? Fake your religion, fake your love, fake it all.
Or leave? Yes leave.
Do you leave, knowing that when you come back that it'll be a greater impact.
An impact that you know would be stronger than ever.
Lookadoo talked about the fact that Christians always ask 'is it okay?'
So I guess that's what I'm doing here too.
Is it okay to fake? Is it okay to leave?
He says the bible doesn't say "Be okay for I am okay."
It says, "Be holy for I am holy."
Let's switch the words.
Is it holy to fake? Is it holy to leave?
No. and. No.
That's where I'm confused.
Emily Lookadoo helped and told me to try new things.
New books, new activties, new churches.
I like what I know. I like what I grew up with.
Despite everything that happened with everyone in my church.
My old church?
I don't go there because of everything.
But. It's understandable.
What else are you supposed to do?
What are you supposed to do, when the people you saw God in, leave?
Betray? Hurt? Not just once. So many issues.
Youth group leaders leaving, youth group leader fired, Sunday school leaders having to leave, people being kicked out of youth group, the youth group talking about you on a retreat while you are at home, an atheist that gets all the atention.
I don't understand what I'm supposed to do.
I think somewhere in the bible says Come to Me all who are weary.
I don't think I have. I really don't know.
All I know is that I have never said "This is all Your fault, God. Why have you done this?"
I'm trying to understand that there is a reason.
It's hard to leave when people say you made an impact there.
I actually believe it, it feeds my head.
I need to starve.
Apparently I was the one that got the most people involved.
There are others for that.
Other people can take my place.
I think my biggest thing is now, I don't want to do this alone.
Alone, as, alone on this earth.
I really hope Justin Lookadoo's book will help.
If that doesn't help, I have no clue.
I'm praying for a sign.
What do you do when you are too worn out with everything?
Do you fake it? Fake your religion, fake your love, fake it all.
Or leave? Yes leave.
Do you leave, knowing that when you come back that it'll be a greater impact.
An impact that you know would be stronger than ever.
Lookadoo talked about the fact that Christians always ask 'is it okay?'
So I guess that's what I'm doing here too.
Is it okay to fake? Is it okay to leave?
He says the bible doesn't say "Be okay for I am okay."
It says, "Be holy for I am holy."
Let's switch the words.
Is it holy to fake? Is it holy to leave?
No. and. No.
That's where I'm confused.
Emily Lookadoo helped and told me to try new things.
New books, new activties, new churches.
I like what I know. I like what I grew up with.
Despite everything that happened with everyone in my church.
My old church?
I don't go there because of everything.
But. It's understandable.
What else are you supposed to do?
What are you supposed to do, when the people you saw God in, leave?
Betray? Hurt? Not just once. So many issues.
Youth group leaders leaving, youth group leader fired, Sunday school leaders having to leave, people being kicked out of youth group, the youth group talking about you on a retreat while you are at home, an atheist that gets all the atention.
I don't understand what I'm supposed to do.
I think somewhere in the bible says Come to Me all who are weary.
I don't think I have. I really don't know.
All I know is that I have never said "This is all Your fault, God. Why have you done this?"
I'm trying to understand that there is a reason.
It's hard to leave when people say you made an impact there.
I actually believe it, it feeds my head.
I need to starve.
Apparently I was the one that got the most people involved.
There are others for that.
Other people can take my place.
I think my biggest thing is now, I don't want to do this alone.
Alone, as, alone on this earth.
I really hope Justin Lookadoo's book will help.
If that doesn't help, I have no clue.
I'm praying for a sign.
Monday, July 5, 2010
I want to change.
I don't like how I curse all the time, and how I vent about people.
I hate to say behind their back, but I almost admit to it.
I talk about them, because they upset me.
It's venting, not rumors.
I hate it either way.
I'm not sure how I'm supposed to do this.
I think the biggest is.
I'm torn between changing into a better person,
ya know, one who doesn't curse, behaves, doesn't back talk, all that.
A perfect image Christian.
Or the one who is rebellious. Not rebellious. Who pushed their boundaries.
Always in trouble, always having more fun.
This is quite complicated.
I don't like how I curse all the time, and how I vent about people.
I hate to say behind their back, but I almost admit to it.
I talk about them, because they upset me.
It's venting, not rumors.
I hate it either way.
I'm not sure how I'm supposed to do this.
I think the biggest is.
I'm torn between changing into a better person,
ya know, one who doesn't curse, behaves, doesn't back talk, all that.
A perfect image Christian.
Or the one who is rebellious. Not rebellious. Who pushed their boundaries.
Always in trouble, always having more fun.
This is quite complicated.
Have you ever just sat and looked up at the sky?
I know I have, and I know it sounds almost cliche.
Isn't it beautiful?
It was more star-stunning years back. Years back such as when I saw God there.
No, not a picture of Him. But Him.
It was almost a musky feeling, that feeling you get on a damp day.
The one the fills the air, but it wasn't muddy.
It was clear, clean, cheerful, refreshing.
No matter the weather. That how I know it was God.
It isn't there anymore. It's empty.
Despite the weather, it's a place with a "vacant" sign.
I don't like it. I don't think I do.
I know that's not how it's really like. Wait. Do I?
So much debating. I don't like it.
It was never suffocating, and it's not now.
It's like there isn't any air, but I can breathe fine.
I'm not sure if I'm actually okay with that.
I know I have, and I know it sounds almost cliche.
Isn't it beautiful?
It was more star-stunning years back. Years back such as when I saw God there.
No, not a picture of Him. But Him.
It was almost a musky feeling, that feeling you get on a damp day.
The one the fills the air, but it wasn't muddy.
It was clear, clean, cheerful, refreshing.
No matter the weather. That how I know it was God.
It isn't there anymore. It's empty.
Despite the weather, it's a place with a "vacant" sign.
I don't like it. I don't think I do.
I know that's not how it's really like. Wait. Do I?
So much debating. I don't like it.
It was never suffocating, and it's not now.
It's like there isn't any air, but I can breathe fine.
I'm not sure if I'm actually okay with that.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
I can't sit still, and I never have been able to.
I always have to be doing something, anything.
Drumming, tapping, bouncing my legs, or shift positions every five minutes.
If I can't sit still during lectures, classes, even bus rides,
I don't see how I can when I'm supposed to be listening.
Listening to God. I know it's what I need to do.
I just can't, I can't clam my body, including my mind.
It's frustrating, and I just wish for a good week. I could listen.
Creation didn't even help.
I screamed for bands, and sang along, but I'm not sure.
Is it a habit, or praising?
I don't know.
I always have to be doing something, anything.
Drumming, tapping, bouncing my legs, or shift positions every five minutes.
If I can't sit still during lectures, classes, even bus rides,
I don't see how I can when I'm supposed to be listening.
Listening to God. I know it's what I need to do.
I just can't, I can't clam my body, including my mind.
It's frustrating, and I just wish for a good week. I could listen.
Creation didn't even help.
I screamed for bands, and sang along, but I'm not sure.
Is it a habit, or praising?
I don't know.
I've been gone for so long,
It's almost crazy.
I simply miss writing, and can't keep up with a journal.
It's weird, so here I am.
I like to type, and I like to imagine.
This blog won't be about my imaginations, but I think faith.
Maybe even lack of.
God. It's complicated.
The past is over, yes.
That doesn't mean the pain isn't.
Reading my last post, really made me tear up. I forgot how much that man kept my Sunday mornings stable, and even now looking, throughout the weeks. I never kept up to what I said. We never got you back, and I'm sorry. We miss you, at least I know I do. I hope that means a little something.
It's almost crazy.
I simply miss writing, and can't keep up with a journal.
It's weird, so here I am.
I like to type, and I like to imagine.
This blog won't be about my imaginations, but I think faith.
Maybe even lack of.
God. It's complicated.
The past is over, yes.
That doesn't mean the pain isn't.
Reading my last post, really made me tear up. I forgot how much that man kept my Sunday mornings stable, and even now looking, throughout the weeks. I never kept up to what I said. We never got you back, and I'm sorry. We miss you, at least I know I do. I hope that means a little something.
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