I can honestly say these devotionals are my favorite part of the day.
I find it unusual that I actually look forward to something like this.
Not just Jesus and people. No. This is me and Jesus.
I'm beginning to love it.
One hundred dollars. That was pretty much the lesson. I have heard him talk about this before at Creation two years ago, and I forgot how much I loved it. It wasn't just me either who loved it, I remember there were kids in the youth group who enjoyed it as well. I even remember one going to the prayer tent. It was an awesome message. Props to JLookadoo, like always.
"What if I handed you a $100 bill? Would you take it? (I know. DUH! But work with me for a second.) How much would it be worth? Hundred bucks. Cool. What if I rubbed it under my armpits? Would you take it? Sure! Cause how much is it worth now? Same. What if I wadded it up into a little ball, spit on it, threw it on the ground, and stepped on it? Now how much is it worth? Hundred smackeroos. Nothing we did changed the calue. It was still worth the same. And free money is good money" - Lookadoo Page 6
Lookadoo talks about how a lot of teenage Christians are at the 'I feel so far away from God' point. I know I am. I mean, really. That's been the story of my life.
"You feel like you have gotten so far away from God that He doesn't want to have anything to do with you. You feel worthless and when someone says God loves you, you say things like 'But you don't know what I've done." - Lookadoo Page 6
The parable that is tied into this is Luke 15:11-32.
Pretty much, it is about two sons, who each get a portion of their father's wealth. One of the sons stays home, and 'slaves away' at what his father asks him to do. The other, leaves. He parties, drinks, and blows all of his money away. A famine strikes and he realizes, he has nothing. He goes home to his father to ask for help. Upon arrival, his dad asks sees him and throws a celebration. The son that has stayed pretty much is like. You're kidding me, dad. Really? He left you, and now you're giving him a party? I've stayed here, I've gotten nothing like the party you're going to give him.
"You've been living like you aren't even part of God's family. Well, it's time to come home. God - Dad - is waiting for you. He wants you to come back" - Lookadoo Page 7
Luke 15: 31-32
"My son,' the father said, 'you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again, he was lost and is found,'"
"You are the son in the story. God is the father, God wants to hug you and throw you a party because you are back. And that blah-blah excuse of, 'If he knew what I have done, He wouldn't want me back,' doesn't cut it. He does know, and He does want you" - Lookadoo Page 7
"You are the $100 bill. God sees you as His valuable child. You may have messed up big time. You are still $100. You may have been crumbled up, stomped on, and totally trashed your life. But you are still worth the same today as you were the first day you gave your life to God." - Lookadoo page 8
God loves do-overs. Loves them, loves them, loves them. He will give you as many do-overs as you need, or you to come back to Him. He loves you, so much. Me too.
"He's waiting on you to make a move."
1 John 1:9
'If we confess our sings, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sings and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.'
"God loves you no matter what you've done. He want to help you. Get back to God and do-over" - Lookadoo Page 10
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