Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day Eighteen - Character Quiz

Ohh, character.

The story in the beginning of this lesson, was super long but super cute.
It was adorable in every way, yet really sad.
It also was a real reality check, and how people aren't that honorable.

Pretty much, Lookadoo was eating at this place.
There was a little beggar boy, and he went up to a table.
The kids table, attached to the adult table, was empty.
He asked the adults for the one slice of pizza, they said sure.
Ran around the corner. Dropped it off to his family.
Came back, did the same with the soda.
Apparently he did this a couple more times.
He comes back, and the adults are gone.
All the food is just sitting there, no one watching.
So, the little boy looks around. Stares at the food.
Then goes back to the corner with his family.

Uhhh. I would've taken the food. I mean, no one was there to claim it.
It'd be in the trash anyway, right?
Lookadoo thought the same, so asked one of the waiters.
He replied with: "Sir, that boy is an honorable man. He is a beggar, he is not a thief."


The story of Daniel with the lions. :]
Daniel 6:1-28
I've heard this before, in Veggietales.
It was really hard not to sing the 'Oh No - Whatcha Gonna Do?' song.
Even harder to picture a person praying by the window, not a cucumber.
I pushed past that all, almost.

The point of the two stories is to emphasize character.
It would've been easy for Daniel not to pray to anyone.
It would've been easy for the boy to take the food.
They could've done it and not gotten in trouble.
They both stuck to their morals.

"The little compromises that we think are 'no big deal' are HUGE deals. They are telling us to compromise our character." - Lookadoo page 87

Daniel 6:16
'But the king spoke, saying to Daniel, "Your God, whom you serve continually, He will deliver you."'

There was a character quiz!
I love those kind of things, for real.

The three results were either: Core Character, Comfortable Character or Cancelled Character.
My result was Comfortable Character. I agreed with it.

It was something like. You get what character is, and how important it is, and you know right from wrong. You just don't want to be right if it puts you in the middle of attention. It's easier to compromise than deal with consequences.

So true for me. I'm learning to stick up for things more and more, and sometimes it gets me in trouble. I'm learning to be okay with that. I think. I feel like I'm going to be tested on this soon, so we will have to see. If I do, I really hope I pass. I hate failing.

Don't compromise. Even if it's not wrong, it's not right. Don't ask 'is it right?' or 'is it wrong?' Ask, 'is it Holy?' I know that wasn't in this lesson, but it was in another, and I think it completely fits. That if you try to live your life by making choices that are Holy, your character will definitely improve.

I want more of those bracelets.

'God has not called me to be successful. He has called me to be faithful.' - Mother Teresa.

ADORE that quote. Adore.

"Live with power, rage on and STEP OFF." - Lookadoo page 90

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